MVP for tecla is out now!
Finally managed to finish the MVP for tecla! I know it ain't much, but it's honest work.
This has been a long time coming for such a simple app, but as a self-taught dev you can't help but rewrite your entire project every couple months after you learn a new technology. I'm really stoked to finally get tecla out into the world, and for it to stop being a bunch of files on my computer that I look at from time to time. I understand that tecla needs a lot of work to make it more functional, and most importantly, good looking, but I'm happy to work on things from here.
Will continue working on tecla for the foreseable future, trying to implement more features that I think would enhance the experience. For now I'm putting out the MVP so people can actually try it out and maybe give me some feedback on what is broken or can be improved.
I hope some people will check out tecla and hopefully enjoy this very simple tool that has allowed me to learn so much about programming.
Get Tecla
A customizable macropad for Windows
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